Events we will attend:
- 2025, Saturday 22 nd and Sunday 23 rd of March, Lyon-Bron
- 2025, Saturday 26 th and Sunday 27 th of April, Antony
- 2025, Saturday 18 th and Sunday 19 th of October, Niort
Common prices in France for kits and books (all taxes included)
We use these prices for bases to compute the rebates we offer when customers pre-order these items before an event (for example the IPMS UK show in Telford). Usually, we apply a 10 % rebate on the below prices. If you want to pre-order, please go to the "Contact" page, enter the event name in the title (example : Telford), as usual enter your full name, and the quantities and references of the items, and if possible the date / time of collection.
Prices (all taxes included) please check the item in the main menu.
- FR001 IAR 39 24 €
- FR002 Fleet F10g 15 €
- FR006 Nakajima Ko4 15 €
- FR007 Nieuport NiD 29 Export 15 €
- FR011 PZL P24 Over Danube 15 € nearly sold out
- FR012 to 14 Rogozarski IK-3 15 €
- FR015 Ikarus IK-2 VVKJ 16 € Sold out (only a few with damaged boxes, or without boxes)
- FR016 Ikarus IK-2 Hratska 16 €
- FR018 Spanish Vildebeest 29,50 €
- FR019 Vickers Vincent 29,50 € nearly sold out 50 remaining
- FR022 Dassault Mystère IVA India 19,50 €
- FR0023 PZL P11f in Rumania 16 €
- FR0026 to 27 Stampe S.V.4 16 € (and a few FR0024 Belgian Stampes, damaged boxes)
- FR0031 Breguet Alizé India 33 €
- FR0032 33 Northrop Delta 25,50 €
- FR0034 Gamma 2E Bomber 30 €
- FR0037 Potez 25 A2/B2 Lorraine 33 €
- FR0038 Potez 25 A2/B2 Hispano 25,50 € (previous price : 33)
- FR0039 Renard R31 24 €
- FR0040 CASA C-212-300 France 30 € (see also our decals for the CASA)
- FR0041 SNCASE SE.535 Mistral 21 €
- FR0043 B-10 Export WC/WAN 33 €
- FR0045 Meteor T.Mk.7 19,50 €
- FR0046 Fairey Battle Mk.I. in Belgium 22,50 €
- FR0047 Fairey Battle Mk.I.Poles in UK 22,50 €
- FR0048 Fairey Battle Mk.I. AASF 22,50 €
- FR0049 50 SPAD 510 21 € 'see also our decals FR0X17 for the SPAD 510s)
- FR0051 Gamma 5B Bomber in Spain 40 € LIMITED to 250 pieces - Direct orders only, not sold by shops
- FR0052 DB-7 in French Service 30 €
- FR0053 Potez 25 Renault 12 Kg 25,50 €
- FR0054 Potez 25 Salmson 18 CMb 25,50 €
- FR0055 Bloch MB 210 Early 39 € Available !
- FR0056 Bloch MB 210 At War 39 € Available !
- FR0057 Bloch MB 210 Late 39 € In Mars !
- FR0058 Potez 25 Farman 12 We 35 € limited to 250 pieces Direct orders only (not sold by shops), price including kit FR0038 + Farman engine in resin). Decals in FR0X16
- FR0059 Potez 25 Salmson 18 Ab 35 € limited to 250 pieces Direct orders only (not sold by shops), price including kit FR0038 + Salmson 18Ab engine in resin). Decals in FR0X19
- FRxxxx ???? realease in April 2025 (if everything goes well)
- FR8002 IAR-80A 1/32 nd 52€
Decals (all in 1/72 nd), please see Chapter decals :
- FR0X01 French Roundels 10,00 € format A5
- FR0X03 Potez 25 Africa & Asia 16,50 € format A5
- FR0X04 Potez 25 Europe & Amer. 16,50 € format A5
- FR0X05 Stampe SV4b 1940 6,00 € format A7
- FR0X06 Potez 25 Suisse 855 6,00 € format A7
- FR0X07 Nieuport 29 Belgium 6,00 € format A7
- FR0X08 CASA C-212 KASET 10,00 € format A6
- FR0X09 Stampe SV4 Etampes 6,00 € format A7
- FR0X10 Fairey Battle Belgium 6,00 € format A7 SOLD OUT
- FR0X11 CASA C-212-300 Chile 6,00 € format A7
- FR0X12 AMD Mystère IVA 7-AL 6,00 € (A7)
- FR0X13 Breguet Alizé 1G France 6,00 € (A7)
- FR0X14 Fairey Battle MK I Polish AF 6,00 € (A7)
- FR0X15 Belgian Roundels 1945 + 10,00 € (A5)
- FR0X16 Potez 25 GAO 513 6,60 € (A7)
- FR0X17 SPAD 510 Additionnels 6,60 € (A7)
- FR0X18 Brazil Potez 25 TOE / Renault 6,60 € (A7)
- FR0X19 Potez 25 ATAR 6,60 € (A7)
- FR0X20 Stampe France A/StY/M 6,60 € (A7)
- FR0X21 Potez 25 R/L/S 6,60 € (A7)
- FR0X22 Breazil Meteor T.MK.7 6,60 € (A7)
- FR0X23 Potez 25 South America 6,60 € (A7)
- ED001 Aviateurs Polonais en France 36 €
- Fw04 LeO 45 (en anglais) 20 €
Books (content):
We sell two books (order on the site, on pane Contact) :
- "Les Aviateurs Polonais en France en 1940" : book written by Bartlomiej Belcarz, well-known historian and author, 36 euros + transportation, 772 photos, 25 pages of color profiles, 416 pages in french.
- French Wings Nr 04 on the LeO 45. In english, 80 pages, 125 B&W pictures, 38 profils and color views, 20 € TTC (+ 3 € for shipment in France, ask us for Europe) - nearly sold out
Conversion parts : you will also find in this page some information on kits or conversions we will propose (for the moment, these parts will be available only on the site) :
Photoetched parts for Vickers Vildebeest MK III:
- We had this part redone (it was included in the kit FR017 Vickers Vildebeest MK III - sold out)
- This part will allow to build the kit FR019 Vickers Vincent MK I as a Vildebeest MK III (torpedo is already included in the Vincent kit) but you will also need to get the decals and the building scheme (we will provide the scheme)
Conversion for Fleet F10d (resin) :
- Includes the radial engine and the cowling for this version
- The belly tank is also included
- As well as the skid for Fleet F10g
- Decals for Cantacuzino's plane are NOT incuded