FR014 Rogozarski IK-3 Fighting Prototypes
In 1941, the IK-3 is the most advanced locally built Yugoslav fighter. Designed by engineers Ilic and Sivcev, the IK-3 prototype make her maiden flight on April 14th, 1938. After the crash of the prototype on 19th january, 1939, the n°2 is used as prototype. The planes are delivered in March 1939 (n°2 to n°7) and Juiy 1940 (n°8 to 13), all being used by Grupa 51 in Zemun airfield, Belgrade. The modified n°7 is used as prototype of second order (25 units being in final assembly phase on 6th of April, 1941). The modified n°7 is 20 km/h faster than planes of first order.

During the German attack on 6 April, 1941, the IK-3s are employed for Belgrade north sector defence. During the fights, they shot down eleven enemy planes, but very quickly suffer huge attrition. Sgt. Semiz takes the N°7 (N°2155) at Rogozarski plant on 7th, evening, and fights the 11 th, gaining one victory. N°2 (N°2151), used operationnally before the war , is under repairs in Rogozarski plant during the fights.
Camouflages and markings: initially painted overall in siva (light blue-grey), externally and internally (cockpit, wheels bays), the IK-3s get 4 large ‚Kosovo crosses‘ on wings. Late 1940, a standard camouflage, upperside ochre / dark green / dark brown, lowerside light blue-grey is painted over the previous camouflages, with change of VeBR (Army ID number) for some planes and migration from fuselage to top of vertical tail, one of the top ‚Kosovo crosses‘ being suppressed and the other one reduced in size (usually on port wing). All paintings are gloss.
Specifications: wingspan 10,30 m, lenght 8 m, wing area 16,50 m2, weight 2630 kgs, max speed 520 Km/h at 5.000 m (540 for n°7), ceiling 9.400 m, range 600 Km. Weapons in the bow: one Oerlikon FF/SMK M.39 E.M. 20 mm gun, two 7,92 mm Browning machine guns. Engine: a 12 cylinders ‚moteur-canon‘ Hispano-Suiza 12 Y 29 developing 910 cv.