
Game 5 finished, we will release one box (1000 units) of a Dassault MD 450 Ouragan in 1/48 th (release in June or September 2025). Please see below the 3D views (not sure if we give 3 French schemes or 2 French and 1 Israeli), four additionnal views added (18 th of March).

FR0055 and FR0056 Bloch MB 210: arrived in France, shipped. Next kit FR0057 Bloch MB 210 arrived, shipped soon (see the dedicated pages).

Fairey Battles in 1/72 nd: boxes FR0046 probably sold out after BRON (22 nd and 23 rd of March), FR0047 sold out.

New decals FR0X16 to FR0X23: see page Decals, ARRIVED! New set, FR0X24 to FR0X28, coming soon

Conversions, sold only on our site or during events:

  • FR0051 Gamma Bomber in Spain
  • FR0058 Potez 25 Farman We (resin engine with the Hispano Potez, no decal for the moment, in preparation)
  • FR0059 Potez 25 Salmson 18 Ab (3D printed engine with the Hispano Potez, no decal for the moment, in preparation)


  • FR7002: one box, Dassault MD 450 Ouragan in 1/48 th, release in June or September 2025
  • FRxxxx: two boxes, release in May, Game Nr6 starting at end of March, probably.
  • FR0055 Bloch 210: released, FR0056 released, FR0057 in early March.
  • FR0058 Potez 25 Farman 12 We : conersion, see the dedicated page. Same for FR0059
  • FR015 kit Ikarus IK-2 VVKJ is sold out. We still have a few kits, without boxes, so we can't sell them to shops. You may still order to collect at events (with 10 % discount). Same for FR0024 Stampe Belgium, FR0028 Breguet 1050 Alizé 1G France.
  • Sold out recently: FR0042 B-10 Export WH-2/WAA, FR0047 Fairey Battle MK.I Poles in UK, FR0X10 Decal, FR0X07 Nieuport 29 Belgium, FR0X05 Stampe 1940
  • Low stock: FR006 Nakajima KO-4 (50), FR017 Vickers Vincent Mk.I (50), FR022 Mystère IVA (20), FR0046 Fairey Battle MK.I in Belgium (5), FR0X04 Potez 25 Europe & America (2)

FR7002 Dassault MD 450 Ouragan : 3D views